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Save the Waves with Ocean Blue Project

Help one of the best ocean charities recover 5 million pounds of debris

Ocean Blue Project’s Save the Waves campaign is one of the best ocean charities dedicated to preserving our One World Ocean and the vital marine life it supports. We are committed to stopping plastic pollution in the ocean, and we need your support to achieve our goal of removing 5 million pounds of plastic and debris from our oceans and waterways by 2025. 

Corporate volunteers clean up Long Beach California with Ocean Blue.

How to Stop Plastic Pollution in the Ocean

The question you may have is, “How can we stop plastic pollution in the ocean?” Our One World Ocean, waterways and marine ecosystems are essential for our survival, but they are under threat from plastic pollution. Ocean Blue Project is actively raising awareness and funds, aiming to secure $200,000 to advance our mission.

How Much Plastic is Recycled

The topic discussed in the article titled “A Whopping 91 Percent of Plastic Isn’t Recycled” centers around the production of billions of tons of Plastic in recent decades and the concerning reality that a vast majority of it is not being recycled. This lack of recycling leads to an accumulation of Plastic waste that contributes to environmental issues such as an increase in trash and litter.

Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained 

The article “The World’s Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained” delves into the pressing issue of Plastic pollution that is currently plaguing our planet. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the extent to which discarded Plastic has engulfed our planet, and the detrimental consequences it poses to the health of animals and potentially even humans. Moreover, the article raises a thought-provoking question regarding the feasibility of effectively addressing and cleaning up this pervasive Plastic pollution.

Plastic Bag Found Deepest Part Of Ocean

The article titled “Plastic Bag Found at the Bottom of World’s Deepest Ocean Trench” explores the discovery of a Plastic bag in an extremely isolated location on Earth – the world’s deepest ocean trench. This finding sheds light on the widespread issue of Plastic pollution and highlights the detrimental impact it has on the environment. The article emphasizes the urgency to address this problem by raising awareness about the consequences of Plastic pollution, advocating for a reduction in the use of Plastic items such as bags, and promoting proper waste disposal methods.

Invest in a Blue Ocean Economy

We invite businesses to invest in a blue ocean economy by supporting Ocean Blue Project’s large-scale plastic pollution cleanup efforts. For every $1 contributed, we’ve been able to remove 1 pound of plastic and debris from beaches and ocean-bound waterways. Thanks to the generosity of private donors, we are now equipped to make an even greater impact. With their support, we purchased the necessary equipment to now remove 5 pounds of plastic for every $1 donated.

Join our Annual Save the Waves campaign

Participate in our annual Save the Waves campaign and help protect our environment and precious ocean ecosystem. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll have a chance to win partnership gifts generously provided by our ocean-friendly business partners.

Ways You Can Make an Impact

There are three ways you can make a significant impact:

  1. Donate: Contribute to our cause + fund plastic cleanup efforts.
  2. Fundraise: Join fundraising efforts to support our mission.
  3. Register to lead a CleanUp Crew: Become a leader to preserve our oceans and waterways.

Stop Plastic Pollution and Win Prizes

Wondering how to stop plastic pollution in the ocean? It’s simple! Donate $50 or more between November 15th and December 31st to help us combat plastic pollution in the ocean. Donate $100 and you’ll be entered for a chance to win fantastic prizes.

Join Ocean Blue Project, one of the best ocean charities, in our mission to save our oceans and waterways from the threat of plastic pollution. Together, we can make a real difference.

Partnership Gifts for Supporters

  • Create your own fundraiser or donate $50 or more and receive a reusable Ocean Blue water bottle donated by Healthy Human.  
  • Become an Ocean Blue Project Annual Member with a donation of $50 or more.
  • Donate $100 or more and be entered to win a beach tote filled with amazing partnership gifts from our generous corporate partners including Patagonia, Siizu, Badger Sunscreen, Sand Cloud, and Earth Breeze.
  • Stay informed by subscribing to our newsletter.

Companies Taking Action

If you represent a company that wants to do more to preserve and protect our oceans, Ocean Blue Project is now operating as a disaster relief organization to clean up debris caused by recent hurricanes. Click here to learn more about Ocean Blue’s Plastic Disaster Relief efforts.


Save the Waves with Ocean Blue Project - Donate to Make a Difference

Our one world ocean is facing two significant threats – climate change and plastic pollution. Shockingly, it’s predicted that by 2050, the total weight of plastics in the ocean could exceed that of fish, according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Plastic production accelerates global warming, contributing to rising air temperatures, leading to glacier melt and coral bleaching. We can’t deny the fact that human activity has a major impact on the health of our oceans and wildlife. However, each of us can be part of the solution.

It might seem overwhelming, but we are committed to making a positive change, and you can join us in this mission. Consider this – plastics are responsible for over 100,000 marine animal deaths, both from ingestion and entanglement. Your choice to reduce plastic usage or pick up litter can save lives.

Regardless of where you live, you can help Save the Waves with Ocean Blue Project. Roughly 80 percent of marine and coastal pollution originates from land-based sources. By working together, we can protect, preserve and restore our One World Ocean. During our campaign, every dollar you donate to Ocean Blue Project will help us recover 1 pound of plastic and debris.

How Ocean Blue Project Cleans Up the Ocean

Curious about how we clean up the ocean? At Ocean Blue Project, we’re tackling the challenge to protect and preserve our oceans and waterways.

Ocean Blue employs a multi-faceted, ecosystem-focused approach that calling on all to join our efforts to protect the ocean. Our key areas of focus include:

  • Plastic Disaster Relief: Clearing microplastics, land-based and marine debris from beaches, back bays and ocean bound waterways. 
  • Create a CleanUp: Supporting and organizing local cleanup events across the U.S.
  • River Restoration Projects: Revitalizing urban streams and rivers, including native tree planting.
  • OBP Blue Schools: Preventing pollution through grade-school curriculum to foster the next generation of stewards of their local watershed.

Ocean Blue is the solution to ocean pollution through three core pillars: act, prevent, revitalize. We accomplish our mission with the support of volunteers worldwide and contributions from individuals and socially conscious organizations. 

So, how does the ocean cleanup work? By donating to Ocean Blue Project, every $1 you contribute helps recover 5 pounds of plastic and debris. You directly impact the health and future of our planet. Join our global community and let’s collaborate for a cleaner, safer ocean, benefiting both marine and human life.


Ocean Pollution Facts

Human activities, including plastic production, release harmful chemicals into the ocean. These chemicals, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, foster toxic algal blooms that threaten marine life and local communities.

Plastic waste, which includes shopping bags, bottles, bottle caps, food wrappers, and cigarette butts, dominates ocean trash. These items do not biodegrade and can take centuries to decompose, posing great danger to wildlife and ecosystems. Some animals mistakenly ingest these plastics, leading to microplastic pollution in the food chain.

How Can You Help Our Ocean?

Support or join local ocean cleanup events as a volunteer. By participating in these events, you can directly contribute to the efforts of keeping our oceans clean and healthy.

Fish responsibly and only in designated areas to ensure the sustainability of marine life and maintain the ecological balance of our oceans.

Utilize energy-efficient light bulbs to reduce your energy consumption and minimize your carbon footprint.

Making this simple switch not only helps to conserve energy but also contributes to the overall health of our planet.

Choose non-toxic chemicals and sustainable fabrics when making purchasing decisions.

This conscious choice can significantly reduce the amount of harmful chemicals and pollutants that end up in our oceans. Opt for reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones. By using reusable bags, you can help reduce the staggering amount of plastic waste that finds its way into our oceans, endangering marine life.

Reusing and recycling responsibly ensures that materials are properly managed and don’t end up in landfills or the ocean. In order to curb emissions and air pollution, consider alternative modes of transportation. Walking, biking, using public transportation, or investing in electric vehicles are all excellent ways to reduce vehicle pollution. By choosing these options, you are actively contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment for our oceans. Conserving water is another crucial step in protecting our oceans. Limit excess runoff by using water wisely and implementing water-saving practices.

Small changes like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and being mindful of water consumption can greatly benefit our oceans’ ecosystems.

Raise awareness through social media and engage with like-minded individuals. Sharing information and inspiring others to take action can create a ripple effect of positive change. Additionally, consider donating to organizations dedicated to saving the ocean.

Your contributions can support vital research, conservation efforts, and educational programs that aim to protect our oceans for future generations. By taking these simple steps, you can make a difference in preserving and safeguarding our oceans right in your own town.

Together, we can create a sustainable future for our marine ecosystems and ensure the well-being of our oceans for years to come.

10 Ways to Help Our Ocean

Preserving and safeguarding our oceans is a long-term mission, and each of us can take small steps to reduce our waste output, thereby protecting our precious waters. Here are some simple ways to get started:

1. Conserve water to limit excess runoff. By using less water, we can prevent the flow of harmful substances and wastewater into the ocean.

2. Reuse and recycle responsibly. Make an effort to repurpose items and recycle materials whenever possible. This reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or finds its way into the ocean.

3. Choose non-toxic chemicals and sustainable fabrics. Opt for environmentally friendly cleaning products and clothing made from sustainable materials. This helps minimize the introduction of harmful substances into our waterways.

4. Opt for reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones. By bringing your own bags when shopping, you can reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our oceans, posing a threat to marine life.

5. Reduce emissions by walking, biking, using public transportation, or electric vehicles. Making conscious choices to minimize our carbon footprint helps combat climate change, which in turn benefits the health of our oceans.

6. Utilize energy-efficient light bulbs. By choosing energy-saving lighting options, we can decrease our energy consumption and reduce the carbon emissions associated with electricity generation.

7. Practice responsible fishing in designated areas. Follow guidelines for catch and release practices, and be mindful of the fish populations and their habitats. This ensures the sustainability of our marine ecosystems.

8. Support or join local ocean cleanup events as a volunteer. By actively participating in cleanups, you can contribute to the removal of debris and waste that threaten the health of our oceans and marine life.

9. Donate to organizations dedicated to saving the ocean. Supporting reputable organizations that work tirelessly to protect and restore our oceans can make a significant impact on their future.

10. Raise awareness through social media and engage with like-minded individuals. By sharing information, educating others, and fostering conversations about ocean conservation, we can inspire collective action and create a ripple effect of positive change.

Remember, even small actions can make a difference when it comes to protecting our oceans.

Together, let’s take these steps to ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for our marine ecosystems.

How does ocean pollution affect humans?

Many plastic items break down into microplastics, smaller than five millimeters, easily absorbed or ingested by marine species. The toxic chemicals contained in these microplastics make their way up the food chain, affecting larger marine species and eventually entering our food and water, fueling a never-ending cycle of pollution.

How much pollution is in the ocean?

Plastic production and pollution have surged over the past few decades, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to a staggering 448 million tons by 2015, according to National Geographic. The projection is equally alarming – plastic production is expected to double by 2050, which means even more plastic pollution in our oceans. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that by 2050, the total weight of plastics in the ocean may surpass that of fish.


Handful of plastic at a beach in Key Largo Florida where children play.

What is being done to stop plastic pollution in the ocean?

In recent years, individuals and governments have started paying attention to the issue of plastic in our oceans and waterways. While there’s no way to reverse the damage that’s already been done, there are steps we can all take to prevent further damage to marine life. There are numerous ocean cleanup organizations out there that people can donate to and join in volunteering missions. Environmental organizations are taking action to raise awareness and persuade governments to ban single-use plastic, encourage recycling and mindful waste disposal, and impose strict laws to fight plastic pollution.

Join the Fight Against Plastic Pollution

In recent years, individuals and governments have recognized the urgent issue of plastic in our oceans. While we cannot reverse the damage already done, we can all take steps to prevent further harm to marine life. Numerous ocean cleanup organizations exist, welcoming donations and volunteer participation. Environmental organizations work tirelessly to raise awareness, lobby for government action, and implement policies that combat plastic pollution.

What Ocean Organizations Do

Environmental organizations like Ocean Blue Project are at the forefront of the battle against plastic pollution and Ocean Blue is the solution. They focus on raising awareness, educating the public on clean waters’ importance, and empowering individuals and communities to make a local and global impact. Ocean Blue Project operates various programs, from education initiatives to local beach cleanup events and tree planting and river restoration efforts.

How can we contribute to ocean pollution?

While the mission of protecting our oceans may seem daunting, every individual and company can contribute and make a difference. You can participate by joining local beach cleanup or river restoration events. Even if you’re far from the coast, your donation to organizations like Ocean Blue Project matters. Every dollar counts, and no contribution is too small.

How to Help Stop Ocean Pollution

Preserving and safeguarding our oceans is a long-term mission, and each of us can take small steps to reduce our waste output, thereby protecting our precious waters. Here are some simple ways to get started:

  • Conserve water to limit excess runoff. 
  • Reuse and recycle responsibly.
  • Choose non-toxic chemicals and sustainable fabrics.
  • Opt for reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones.
  • Reduce emissions by walking, biking, using public transportation, or electric vehicles.
  • Utilize energy-efficient light bulbs. 
  • Practice responsible fishing in designated areas.
  • Support or join local ocean cleanup events as a volunteer.
  • Donate to organizations dedicated to saving the ocean.
  • Raise awareness through social media and engage with like-minded individuals.
  • Use less water to limit excess runoff 
  • Reuse and recycle mindfully
  • Opt for non-toxic chemicals and sustainable fabrics
  • Choose reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags
  • Limit emissions by walking, biking, using public transportation or electric vehicles
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs 
  • Fish responsibly and only in designated areas
  • Support or join local ocean cleanup events as a volunteer
  • Donate to save the ocean organizations like Ocean Blue Project
  • Help raise awareness through social media

Thank you to our incredible business partners for contributing to our goal and for sharing our vision of a clean world ocean.

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